Family Law Forms
Here are a number of forms for some common family law actions. You can also review “examples” of the various forms and other documents such as cover pages, trial records and affidavits. If you plan to fill in your own forms and/or represent yourself, consider getting legal advice to be sure that you have filled them in properly. For general questions about the forms or court procedures, you may call PLEIS-NB’s toll-free Family Law Information Line at 1-888-236-2444. However, PLEIS-NB staff cannot provide legal advice or comment on your specific situation.
If you live in the Saint John region (which includes the Counties of Charlotte, Kings and Saint John) or the Moncton Region (which includes the Counties of Albert, Westmorland and Kent) CLICK HERE for information on forms.
Before you go any further, be sure to read the instructions for printing and completing forms.