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Family Law Services in New Brunswick

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Legal Advice Clinics


You and Your Lawyer

It is important to be prepared before you see a lawyer.  Call ahead to find out what documents you should bring with you. This can cut down on time and money.  Check out the booklet “You and Your Lawyer” for more tips on how to prepare for your first visit.

You and Your Lawyer

Find a Lawyer

When you have a family law problem it is important to consult a lawyer. Only a lawyer can give you expert legal advice and service. You can see as many lawyers as you like before you hire one. You should choose a lawyer that you are comfortable with.

To find a lawyer, call the Law Society of New Brunswick – (506) 458-8540.  Or, you can look in the Yellow Pages, under "Lawyers". 

Sometimes the best way to find a lawyer is to ask your friends or acquaintances who have had similar family law issues for recommendations.  You can look up the contact information for lawyers on the Law Society website at: www.lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca and click on member directory.

Family Legal Aid

If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may be eligible for legal aid.  The New Brunswick Legal Aid Services Commission helps individuals with low income deal with family law matters. This is referred to as “family legal aid”.  The booklet entitled “Legal Aid in New Brunswick: Providing legal help for people with low incomes", provides information about the criminal and family law services offered by Legal Aid.  It also outlines the criteria that used to determine eligibility for representation."

Family Legal Aid Services Available

Legal Aid gives priority to screening those cases that are urgent or can directly benefit children.  Eligibility is based on a financial means assessment and the nature of your legal problem.  If you qualify, the following domestic legal aid services may be available:

Family Duty Counsel: If you are a respondent who is appearing at a first hearing in family court for a support application or variation, you can talk to family duty counsel before the hearing. Duty Counsel can also advise you in cases of judicial enforcement or child protection matters made by the Minister of Social Development. Duty Counsel lawyers do not represent you in court.

Child Protection Proceedings:  If the Minister of Social Development is asking the court for a supervisory order, custody or permanent guardianship of your child, you can apply for legal aid. If you meet the financial eligibility criteria you may receive a certificate to have a lawyer represent you. 

Child and Spousal Support:  If you meet the financial eligibility criteria, the Family Solicitor can help you to obtain child and/or spousal support. They may also be able to help you change (vary) a child support order if it was made under the Family Law Act.  As well, the Family Solicitor can help a parent receiving child support respond to a motion by the other party to change it.

Custody and Access: If you are eligible, the Family Solicitor may be able to handle your application for custody or access of the children.

Family Advice Lawyer: Family advice lawyers are available to provide free general legal information for up to two hours on family law matters. They can explain what to expect from the court process and help you understand court forms. To get an appointment with a family advice lawyer in your area, call toll free 1-855-266-0266.  If you live in the Saint John region, contact the Family Law Information Centre at 506-658-2261 to book an appointment. And in the Moncton region, you can contact their Family Law Information Center at 506-856-3131.

For more information, see our fact sheets: “Collaborative Law”, “Traditional Negotiation with Lawyers”, “Coming to an Agreement Together”, and “Mediation

Family law matters not covered covered by Legal Aid include, for example:

  • Division of marital property
  • Variation of spousal support

List of Legal Aid Offices (Family Legal Aid)

Contact the New Brunswick Legal Aid Services Commission office nearest you for more information or to apply for family legal aid. Or visit the Legal Aid website at http://www.legalaid-aidejuridique-nb.ca/

275 Main St., Suite 215
Bathurst, NB E2A 1A9
506- 546-5010
19 Aberdeen Street, Suite 201
Campbellton, NB E3N 2J6
121, rue de l'Église, suite 209
Edmundston, NB E3V 1J9
412 QueenSt  Suite 210 
Fredericton, NB E3B 1B6
673 King George Hwy, suite 103
Miramichi Law Courts
Miramichi, NB E1V 1N6
860 Main Street, Suite 402
Moncton, NB
E1C 1G2
Saint John
15 Market Square Suite 1509
Saint John, NB E2L 1E8
633 Main St., Unit 122
Woodstock, NB E7M 2C6

Family Violence Prevention Services: Find contact numbers for shelters and outreach services related to violence against women in your region - Transition Houses, Outreach workers and Moving Forward services.

Legal Advice Clinics

Fredericton Legal Advice Clinic: is a non-profit organization that offers free legal advice and information to clients in the Fredericton and surrounding area. Their goal is to offer a welcoming venue where a broad range of people can obtain legal services that they could not otherwise access or afford. These appointments are to assist people who do not have legal counsel and who are self-represented.

To book an appointment please visit their website.

Family Advice Lawyer
Family advice lawyers are available to provide free general legal information for up to two hours on family law matters. They can explain what to expect from the court process and help you understand court forms. To get an appointment with a family advice lawyer in your area, call toll free: 1-855-266-0266. 

  • If you live in the Saint John region, contact the Family Law Information Centre at 506-658-2261 to book an appointment.
  • If you live in the Moncton region, contact the Family Law Information Centre at 506-856-3131 to book an appointment


Family mediators can help people settle issues about parenting, separation, and divorce.  There is a fee for mediation to which both parties usually contribute.  You may want to choose someone who has professional accreditations, for example, with Family Mediation Canada, the Law Society of New Brunswick, or the New Brunswick Association of Social Workers. 

Check the yellow pages under Mediation Services. 


Family Law Information Video
Family Law Information Line
Family Law Workshops
Ask an Expert Videos
FAQs about Family Law
Going to Court
Family Law Forms
Family Law Publications
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Self-Help Guides
Parenting After Separation
Parent Information Program
Court Evaluations Support
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Doing Your Own Divorce

Applying For Parenting and Support Orders

Changing Child Support - Orders made in NB

Changing Child Support - Orders made
outside NB

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Living Common-Law
Separation and Divorce
Marital Property
Custody and Access
Child Support
Spousal Support
Support Enforcement
Staying Out Of Court
Representing Yourself
Other Issues


Going To Court
English or French?
Presenting Your Case in Court
Preparing for Your Court Hearing
The Day Of Your Hearing
Tips for the Court Hearing
After the Hearing

Family Law Forms
Printing & Completing Forms
Custody, Access and Support
Changing an Order
Interjurisdictional Support Orders
Consent Order
Court-Ordered Evaluations Support Program
Family Law Forms for Saint John and Moncton


Family Law Publications
Family Law for Immigrants
Child and Spousal Support
Child Support Recalculation Service
Parenting After Separation
Divorce and Separation
Support Enforcement
Family Violence
Other Materials

Find a Lawyer/Get Help
Family Law Information Video
You and Your Lawyer
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Get Help (Domestic Legal Aid)
Legal Advice Clinics

Self-Help Guides


Parenting After Separation
Online Parent Information Program (PIP)
(formerly known as For the Sake of the Children)

Family Law Information Line


Public Legal Education and Information
Service of New Brunswick

  P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton
New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5H1
  Telephone: (506) 453-5369
Family Law Line: 1-888-236-2444