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Family Law NB Family Law NB Family Law NB - Online resources for the public

Family Law Information Video

A free online information video to help you understand the family law process

The Family Law Information video is designed to provide the type of information parents need to:

  • Navigate the legal process;
  • Identify what options are available in their family law matter; and
  • Understand how separation and divorce can impact their children.

Some of the topics covered are:

  • Where to start and the importance of making parenting plan arrangements;
  • Impacts of separation and divorce on children;
  • Resources for those concerned for their safety;
  • Types of parenting orders;
  • Child support guidelines, and
  • Options for negotiations and establishing agreements and court orders

Q. Will I have to download a special program or app to watch the video?
A. No. This video can be streamed from any mobile device or computer that has internet access just by clicking on the link on the Family Law NB website. It is recommended that you use Wi-Fi when viewing this video from your laptop or mobile device to avoid using data if you are not directly connected to a modem.

Q. What if I don’t have a mobile device, a computer or internet access?
A. Computer workstations are available in over 60 library locations across New Brunswick. Individuals that do not have access to the internet or a device can visit a library nearest them to access the online video. It is recommended that you bring ear buds or a headset with you to listen to the video.

Start Here

If this is part of your First Court Appearance in Saint John or Moncton, proceed to:

Step 2:

Click here to complete the 5-10 minute quiz

What’s Next?

Answer all the questions in the quiz and click the ‘Submit’ button;
Your information is automatically sent to the Triage Coordinator
Confirmation that you completed watching the video will be placed in your court file

quick links header

Online Parent Information Program (PIP)

Parenting After Separation Booklet

Family law resource material

Library and resource center locations

Court Locations



What’s New
About This Site
Ask An Expert Videos

Living Common-Law
Separation and Divorce
Marital Property
Custody and Access
Child Support
Spousal Support
Support Enforcement
Staying Out Of Court
Representing Yourself
Other Issues


Going To Court
English or French?
Presenting Your Case in Court
Preparing for Your Court Hearing
The Day Of Your Hearing
Tips for the Court Hearing
After the Hearing

Family Law Forms
Printing & Completing Forms
Custody, Access and Support
Changing an Order
Interjurisdictional Support Orders
Consent Order
Court-Ordered Evaluations Support Program
Family Law Forms for Saint John and Moncton


Family Law Publications
Family Law for Immigrants
Child and Spousal Support
Child Support Recalculation Service
Parenting After Separation
Divorce and Separation
Support Enforcement
Family Violence
Other Materials

Find a Lawyer/Get Help
Family Law Information Video
You and Your Lawyer
Find a Lawyer
Get Help (Domestic Legal Aid)
Legal Advice Clinics

Self-Help Guides


Parenting After Separation
Online Parent Information Program (PIP)
(formerly known as For the Sake of the Children)

Family Law Information Line


Public Legal Education and Information
Service of New Brunswick

  P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton
New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5H1
  Telephone: (506) 453-5369
Family Law Line: 1-888-236-2444